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Species reintroduction

Between 11-12 October 2017, we participated in a meeting entitled “Reintroduction of species: a tool for the restoration of habitats” (LIFE Platform Meeting).

In the Bouchout castle (Kasteel van Bouchout) situated at a picturesque lake in Meise near the northern border of Brussels within the area of the Botanic Garden Meise (Plantentuin Meise), we heard very interesting presentations of various projects relating to reintroduction of species and restoration of valuable natural habitats carried out in Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and Poland. We also took part in workshops on the above subject matter. During one of the workshops, we could present the main goals and assumptions of our project and the results we have achieved, especially those regarding the seed plantation maintained by our institution.

In order to acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge, on the way back, we visited our “colleagues” from Luxembourg who are working on the LIFE11 NAT/LU/857 project entitled „Restoration of Unio crassus rivers in the Luxemburgish Ardennes”. After a short visit in the project office in Heinerscheid, we went with two employees to the Our river.In its close vicinity, thick shelled river mussels (Unio crassus) are successfully bred. There, we learned the main assumptions of the project, results achieved, and we saw the breeding methods of this species and necessary equipment.

This visit was related to another LIFE project which we intend to carry out and the reintroduction of thick shelled river mussel will be one of the activities under that project.


Patrol prewencyjny

Dwudziestoosobowa grupa z Młodzieżowego Ośrodka Wychowawczego w Podzamczu wzięła udział w patrolu prewencyjnym, który odbył się 29 września w miejscu występowania muraw kserotermicznych, które są dominującymi  zbiorowiskami roślinnymi  na południowo – zachodnim  stoku Garbu Pińczowskiego. Ten niewielki fragment Ostoi Nidziańskiej  PLH260003 należącej do sieci Natura 2000 jest jednym z cenniejszych przyrodniczo miejsc w Polsce Południowej.

Prowadzono obserwację stanowisk dziewięćsiłu popłocholistnego oraz zapoznano się z założeniami ochrony cennych siedlisk przyrodniczych poprzez ekstensywny wypas owiec. Odwiedzenie nieczynnego kamieniołomu było okazją do poznania wapieni pińczowskich wykorzystywanych od wielu stuleci jako materiał budowlany i rzeźbiarski. Było to zgodne z przywilejem właściciela Pińczowa Mikołaja Oleśnickiego z 1559 roku, który stanowił: „Gdyby zaś niektórzy pragnęli wznosić  budynki  z  kamienia, albo też wznosić coś z kamienia na swój użytek, wolno im będzie bez  uiszczenia  jakiejkolwiek zapłaty i bez uiszczenia jakiejkolwiek  daniny  dobywać  na gruntach tych potrzebne w tym celu kamienie”.

Dziś kamieniołom już jest nieczynny  i niewiele zostało śladów po kolejce wąskotorowej, która prowadziła na szczyt Garbu Pińczowskiego. Atrakcją jest natomiast ścieżka edukacyjna i bogata zbiorowość ciepłolubnych roślin. Podczas patrolu nie stwierdzono nowych dzikich wysypisk gruzu na terenie stanowiska. Patrol zakończono pogadanką edukacyjną w siedzibie Zespołu Świętokrzyskich i Nadnidziańskich Parków Krajobrazowych w Krzyżanowicach.

Warsztaty edukacyjne w Kijach

To była już ostatnia w tym roku sesja warsztatów edukacyjnych dla młodzieży. Tym razem w zajęciach przez trzy dni października (3, 4 i 5) uczestniczyło ponad 150 osób- gimnazjaliści i młodzież ze szkół podstawowych.Zajęcia kameralne odbywały się w Samorządowej Instytucji Kultury „Kasztelania” w Kijach, a obserwacje terenowe na stanowisku wypasu w Stawianach.

W zajęciach brała udział młodzież ze Złotej, Imielna i Jędrzejowa. Miała okazję poszerzyć swoją wiedzę o obszarach Natura 2000, hodowli owiec i przetwarzaniu wełny oraz zapoznać się z ekstensywnym wypasem owiec jako sposobem ochrony ksertotermicznychmuraw i światłolubnych dąbrów.

Pogoda nas nie rozpieszczała, ale wykonywanie modelu dziewięćsiłu popłocholistnego, tkanie bransoletek, czy wykonywanie pomponów z kolorowej włóczki okazało się zajęciem równie ciekawym jak poszukiwanie chronionych gatunków roślin i zwierząt w terenie.

Preventive Patrol

A 20-person group from the Youth Education Centre in Podzamcze participated in a preventive patrol, which took place on 29 September in the habitat of xerothermic swards, which are the dominant plant communities on the south-west slope of Garb Pińczowski. This small part of Ostoja Nidziańska PLH260003 belonging to the Natura 2000 network is one of the most valuable natural environments in southern Poland.

The participants observed populations of Carlina onopordifolia Besser and learned the assumptions underlying the protection of valuable natural habitats based on extensive sheep grazing. A visit at an inactive quarry was an opportunity to learn about Pińczów limestones, which were used for centuries as a construction and sculpture material. It was in line with the privilege established in 1559 by the owner of Pińczów, Mikołaj Oleśnicki, which stipulated: “If someone desired to erect buildings of stone or build anything of stone for their own purposes, they shall be allowed, without any payment or without any levy, to quarry stones needed for those purposes on this land”.

Today, the quarry is inactive and there is little sign of the narrow-gauge railway which led to the top of Garb Pińczowski. The attractions, however, include an educational trail and a rich community of thermophilic plants. During the patrol, no signs of illegal rubble dumping within the habitat were observed. The patrol ended with an educational discussion in the office of the Complex of Świętokrzyskie and the Nida River Landscape Parks in Krzyżanowice.


Educational Workshops in Kije

It was the last session of educational workshops for young people. This time, more than 150 people – middle and primary school students – participated in classes for three days in October (3, 4, and 5 October). Classes in small groups took place in “Kasztelania” Local Cultural Institution in Kije, while field observations were carried out on the pasture in Stawiany.

The workshops were attended by young people from Złota, Imielno, and Jędrzejowo. They had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge on the Natura 2000 areas, sheep breeding, and wool processing, as well as learn about the extensive sheep grazing as a way to protect xerothermic swards and xerothermic oakwoods.

The weather did not treat us well, but making a model of Carlina onopordifolia Besser, weaving bracelets, or making bobbles out of colourful yarn turned out to be as interesting an activity as searching for protected species of plants and animals in the field.


Working Visit in Ireland

Networking with other LIFE projects has been defined as obligatory by the European Commission. Interinstitutional collaboration and exchange of experience and information is aimed at acquiring valuable theoretical and practical knowledge, helping the beneficiaries to carry out planned activities effectively. Networking relates not only to national projects, but also international projects. Therefore, between 24 and 28 September, we took part in a working visit in Ireland, where we had the opportunity to learn the effects of as many as three LIFE projects.

Although Ireland is known for fickle weather, Dublin welcomed us with a beautiful and sunny aura. Our destinations were located at the other side of the island, so we spend our afternoon travelling. The first destination was Inis Mór, one of the Aran Islands in Galway Bay. Our host was Patrick McGurn – the manager of the project LIFE12 NAT/IE/000995 Aran LIFE. The meeting began with a presentation of the effects of active protection of habitats:6210-1 Alpine swards and 8210 Limestone rock slopes with Potentilletalia caulescentis communities, which is carried out through such measures as grazing cattle based on a grazing economy management plan developed and implemented. Interestingly, the project was created thanks to a grassroot initiative of local farmers! They pointed out that fields densely vegetated with bushes have negative impact on the landscape values, which reduces the touristic potential of the island. Indeed, during the field part of the visit, we could clearly see the difference between the plots covered by the project and those out of its range. In some places, not only fields, but also boundary walls were completely covered with bushes. The last part of our meeting was a tour of the Dun Aengus hill fort dating back to around 700 BC. What we found interesting was that, as a result of water-induced erosion of the cliff on which the fort is situated, nearly half of the building had collapsed into the sea.

On the second day, we attended a working meeting with Brendan Dunford – the manager of The Burren Programme, which is a direct continuation of LIFE04 NAT/IE/000125 BurrenLIFE – considered by the European Commission the best nature-related project in the history of the LIFE financial instrument. Currently, it covers more than 160 breeding farms operating on the area of ca. 15,000 ha of protected land! The main goal of the meeting was to discuss the adopted strategy called AfterLIFE and its effective implementation. We also learned the core programme and financial assumptions, of which the most interesting issue for us was the method of settling the work of farmers via a protected natural habitat assessment form including a ten-point scale of their quality, developed for the purposes of the project. As on the previous day, we spent the afternoon in the field and saw one of the farms and the effects of many years of cow-grazing in the Burren National Park.

In the evening, we went to Galway – a city which, in the Middle Ages, served as the principal Irish port for trade with Spain and France. At present, it is famous for its strong Celtic traditions: music, songs, dance, and language, which is visible on the designations of buildings, streets, and places.

The last day welcomed us with the typical Irish weather, meaning rain, fog, and wind. Our first destination was the co-beneficiary of LIFE11 ENV/IE/000922 Burren Tourism for Conservation (GeoparkLIFE) – Cliffs of Moher Visitors Experience. Despite the weather, Cormac McGinley introduced us to the project. He described in detail the elements of the project the Cliffs of Moher are responsible for. They are one of the greatest tourist attractions in Ireland. The Cliffs are composed of limestones and sandstones, they stretch for around 8 km, and at the highest point reach the height of 214 m. Thanks to their scenic values, the Cliffs are visited by more than 1.5 million tourists a year! However, the vast majority of them come only to this place, spend there 2–3 hours, and then leave the county. The project LIFE is an attempt at addressing this problem. The project aims to develop highly qualified, high quality tourist industry of the entire region based on areas with particular natural and cultural significance. Carol Gleeson, the manager of the GeoparkLIFE project, told us about the methods of implementing the sustainable tourism development plan, its effects, and difficulties it involves.

Unfortunately, it was the last day of our trip. At 4:00 a.m., we started our trip back to Dublin.

We came back to Poland with a large dose of new knowledge, which will certainly help us carry out the current project, especially the programme assumptions of AfterLIFE, but – above all – we gained new partners, with whom we will be able to work on a joint project.


Conference in Nydek

A conference entitled “Threats in grazing economy” was held on the first days of September in the Beskidy region in Nydek, a town at the Czech side of the border. The Complex of Świętokrzyskie and the Nida River Landscape Parks co-organised the conference under the project entitled “National strategy for sustainable use and conservation of farm animal genetic resources”.

Our black-headed sheep grazed in the Ponidzie region as part of the LIFE+ project is a conservation breed, so that our breeders too found the subject matter of the conference interesting. It was a rare opportunity to confront one’s own experience with the experience of highlanders from the Beskidy region, who have been breeding sheep for many generations.The conference was also an occasion to organise a sheep shearing contests and, at the sheep milk cheese tasting, cranberry produced in Pińczów found its place on the table. Probably not only because nearby Bystrzyca is a partner city of Pińczów, but particularly due to the fact that their taste perfectly goes with oscypki.


Międzynarodowe Targi Sztuki Ludowej

Co roku w sierpniu na Rynku Głównym w Krakowie odbywają się Międzynarodowe Targi Sztuki Ludowej, a podczas ich trwania zaplanowany jest „Dzień Pińczowa”. W tym roku odbył się on 17 sierpnia. To już wieloletnia tradycja. Tradycją stała się również obecność Zespołu Świętokrzyskich i Nadnidziańskich Parków Krajobrazowych na tym wielkim święcie sztuki ludowej. Przedstawialiśmy naszą ofertę turystyczno – edukacyjną oraz przybliżyliśmy zakres prowadzonych działań związanych z ochroną muraw kserotermicznych w ramach realizowanego,ze środków Unii Europejskiej, projektu LIFE+.
Stoiska Kół Gospodyń Wiejskich z okolic Pińczowa uginały się pod domowymi wypiekami, a na scenie prezentowały się kapele i zespoły z Ponidzia. Nasze stanowiskorozstawiliśmy pod wieżą ratuszową tuż obok rzeźby Igora Mitoraja „Eros Bendato”. To dobry punkt, bo głowa Erosa jest na krakowskim rynku ulubionym miejscem do robienia pamiątkowych, rodzinnych fotografii, a więc pośrednio sprzyjała ilości osób nas odwiedzających.
Informatory, foldery, mapy i wydawnictwa edukacyjne oraz gadżety promocyjne projektu LIFE+ cieszyły się dużym zainteresowaniem. Przy naszym stoisku najchętniej zatrzymywali się rodowici pińczowianie, ale nie brakowało również osób, które już odwiedzały Ponidzie, a nawet takich, które nigdy w naszych okolicach nie były i z trudem mogły je zlokalizować na mapie Polski. Gdy mówiliśmy, że to zaledwie kilkadziesiąt kilometrów od Krakowa, zachęceni naszymi wydawnictwami i przysmakami z sąsiednich stoisk deklarowali, że na pewno do nas przyjadą.
Dzieci oczywiście zachwycały się edukacyjnymi malowankami z wizerunkami roślin
i zwierząt chronionych, a dorosłym przedstawialiśmy cele i założenia realizowanego przez nas projektu LIFE. Ochrona muraw kserotermicznych poprzez prowadzenie wypasu owiec?To dla wielu osób brzmiało egzotycznie. Dopiero zapoznanie się z naszym folderem i nasze wyjaśnienia przekonywały niedowiarków, że rośliny można również chronić poprzez kontrolowany, ekstensywny wypas, z którego korzyści mają zarówno rośliny chronione, jak
i wypasający.


International Folk Art Fair

Every August, at the Main Market Square in Cracow, the International Folk Art Fair is held and “Dzień Pińczowa” (Pińczów Day) is planned for that time as well. This year, it took place on 17 August. It has been a long tradition. Another tradition at this grand celebration of folk art is the presence of the Complex of Świętokrzyskie and the Nida River Landscape Parks. We presented our tourist and educational offer and outlined the scope of measures undertaken to protect the xerothermic swards under the LIFE+ project financed by the European Union.
The stands of Country Housewives Clubs from Pińczów abounded with homemade baked goods, while the stage belonged to bands from Ponidzie. We set up our stand under the town hall tower right beside Igor Mitoraj’s “Eros Bendato” sculpture. It is a good spot because the Eros’ head at the Cracow market square is the most favourite spot for making souvenir, family photographs, so it indirectly contributed to the number of visitors at our stand.
Information leaflets, catalogues, maps, educational publications, and promotional gadgets of the LIFE+ projects attracted much attention. Most willing to stop at our stand were lifelong residents of Pińczów, but there were also people who have already been to Ponidzie or even people who have never visited our region and could hardly point it on a map of Poland. When told that it is only several dozen kilometres from Cracow, encouraged by our publications and delicacies from the neighbouring stands, they assured that they would visit us.
Children of course had great fun with the educational colouring books depicting protected plantsand animals, while adults could learn about the goals and assumptions of the LIFE project. Protection of xerothermic swards through sheep-grazing? It sounds incredible for many. Only after seeing our catalogue and hearing our explanations could sceptics be convinced that plants can also be protected by controlled, extensive grazing, which is beneficial both for the protected plants and theherders.


Lato na plantacji

Posadzone w ubiegłym roku rośliny zaczęły kwitnąć. Z daleka widać błękitne kwiaty lnu włochatego. Koszyczki kwiatowe sierpika różnolistnego już zmieniły kolor i niebawem będzie można zbieraćjego nasiona. Ponad połowa dziewięćsiłów popłocholistnych też zawiązała kwiatostany. Wyglądają bardzo efektownie. Aż szkoda, że po zakwitnięciu roślina obumiera. Już teraz można stwierdzić, że tego lata będą udane zbiory na naszej plantacji. Roślinom nie zaszkodziły wiosenne przymrozki, a brak opadów w zupełności im nie przeszkadza. Przecież to okazy z muraw kserotermicznych.