Educational Workshops in Kije
It was the last session of educational workshops for young people. This time, more than 150 people – middle and primary school students – participated in classes for three days in October (3, 4, and 5 October). Classes in small groups took place in “Kasztelania” Local Cultural Institution in Kije, while field observations were carried out on the pasture in Stawiany.
The workshops were attended by young people from Złota, Imielno, and Jędrzejowo. They had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge on the Natura 2000 areas, sheep breeding, and wool processing, as well as learn about the extensive sheep grazing as a way to protect xerothermic swards and xerothermic oakwoods.
The weather did not treat us well, but making a model of Carlina onopordifolia Besser, weaving bracelets, or making bobbles out of colourful yarn turned out to be as interesting an activity as searching for protected species of plants and animals in the field.