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The monitor’s visit

On 30th January 2015 in The Complex of Ponidzie and Świętokrzyskie Region Landscape Parkshead office in Kielce a meeting was held between the unit’s management, LIFE+ project employees and Mr Stanisław Tworek who monitored the LIFE project with authorization of the European Commission. The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate the progress of works related to the implementation of the project.

In the beginning, the monitor reminded the participants of the European Commission’s guidelines related to reporting and the principles of the beneficiary’s cooperation with the European Union. Subsequently, the unit employed for the purpose of implementing the project was introduced and the effects of their work were presented. All the actions awaiting implementation were also discussed in detail and the progress achieved was evaluated in accordance with the beneficiary’s initial report, covering project activities from 01.06.2014 to 31.01.2015.

Owce pomogą chronić przyrodę Ponidzia.

Od 2014 roku na wzgórzach Ponidzia realizowany jest pionierski projekt rozpoczęty przez Zespół Świętokrzyskich i Nadnidziańskich Parków Krajobrazowych w Kielcach. W ramach unijnego programu ochrony przyrody Life+ wypasane tam owce i kozy będą dbać o zachowanie w naturalnym stanie cennych siedlisk przyrodniczych.

Sheep and goats will help to preserve the natural state of Ponidzie.

Since 2014 on the hills of Ponidzie a pioneering project started by the Complex of Ponidzie and Świętokrzyskie Region Landscape Parks in Kielce has been implemented. Under the EU programme of nature conservation LIFE+, sheep and goats will be grazed there in an attempt to preserve the natural state of habitats of high environmental value.

The Biologists' Night – Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce.

On 9th January 2015 in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, a periodic, popular science event titled „The Biologists' Night” took place, during which The Complex of Ponidzie and Świętokrzyskie Region Landscape Parks presented LIFE13 NAT/PL/000038 Project titled „The protection of valuable natural habitats in Ponidzie”. The activities attracted considerable interest of nature lovers. Every participant received educational materials related to environmental protection and promoting LIFE+ Project.

A meeting regarding the implementation of the LIFE Project

On 16th December 2014 in the head office of the Complex of Ponidzie and Świętokrzyskie Region Landscape Parksin KrzyżanowiceŚrednie a meeting took place concerning the progress achieved in the process of implementing LIFE+ „The protection of valuable natural habitats in Ponidzie” Project. The participants were, among others, a member of ŚwiętokrzyskieVoivodship Board – Piotr Żołądek, the management of the Department of Rural Development and Environment under Marshal’s Office as well as representatives of local governments: members of county offices in Busko-Zdroj and Pinczów and mayors of municipalities Pińczów, Złota and Wiślica. The meeting was also attended by PińczówForest District Manager and presidents of local action groups – „SłonecznyLider” and „Ponidzie”. Following the tradition, on the occasion of the approaching Christmas, the participants shared a wafer. A diaporama titled „Ponidzie on Earth”, prepared specifically for the purpose of the promotion of the region, was presented and the unit’s plans regarding future year’s project implementation goals were also discussed.

An informational meeting

On 5th December 2014 in Kielce Forest District a meeting of Social and Scientific Council of Forest Promotional District „PuszczaŚwiętokrzyska” took place, during which Life Project „The protection of valuable natural habitats in Ponidzie” was presented.

prezentacja Nadleśnictwo Kielce