Visit to Xerothermic Grassland of Miechowska Upland.
As a part of creating a network of contacts, exchanging information and experience with other beneficiaries of LIFE+ programme, on 20 July 2015 the meeting with the representatives of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Krakow took place, carrying out LIFE12 NAT/PL/00056 project called „Conservation of Xerothermic Habitats in Natura 2000 Areas in Miechowska Upland”.
The visit started in the host’s registered office with a multimedia presentation, presenting the existing experience related to the performance of the said project. The next part of the meeting comprised field visits. In the areas of Natura 2000 Chodów – Falniów PLH120063, Cybowa Góra PLH120049 and Kalina Mała PLH120054, we got acquainted with the practical aspects of sheep pasture and conservation of xerothermic grassland
The visit proved very interesting. The abundance of information given to us, valuable theoretical and practical comments will surely contribute to the correct performance of the Ponidzie project.
Another meeting is scheduled for September.