The conference summarizing the LIFE10 NAT/PL/654 project
On the 15th and 16th of September, we participated in the conference summarizing the LIFE10 NAT/PL/654 project “Building a blue ecological corridor along the River Ina valley and its tributaries” (“Budowa niebieskiego korytarza ekologicznego wzdłuż doliny rzeki Iny i jej dopływów”), carried out in West Pomerania by the West Pomeranian Board of Land Amelioration and Water Facilities and the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Szczecin.
The project included the construction of fish ladders enabling free migration of salmonid species up and down the River Ina, which enables fish to reach their breeding grounds and settle in appropriate biotopes. The River Ina and its tributaries form an ecological corridor connecting several Natura 2000 areas valuable for West Pomerania. Over the last years, the quality of water in the River Ina and its tributaries has improved, whereas the existing hydrotechnical structures like sluices, dams, hydroelectric power plants and malfunctioning fish ladders posed the biggest threat to the survival of many species of fish.
While carrying out the project, 28 fish ladders and a breeding ground for fish were built, and 23 kilometres of the River Ina bank were afforested. Thanks to this, salmonids could reach their breeding grounds in the upper parts of the River Ina and its tributaries. The biological patency of the river was restored, which was the precondition for the proper functioning of the river ecosystem.
Besides, the conference was a great opportunity to share experiences among teams carrying out other LIFE+ projects, also regarding the protection of valuable habitats of xerothermic grasslands through pasturage.