A visit of the team carrying out the “Silesian” LIFE programme
From 21st to 22nd of July 2016, three employees of the Landscape Park Complex of the Silesian Region (ZPKWŚ), where the LIFE 11 NAT/PL/432 project “The protection of non-forest habitats of great natural interest, typical of the area of the Eagles’ Nests Landscape Park” (“Ochrona cennych przyrodniczo siedlisk nieleśnych, charakterystycznych dla obszaru Parku Krajobrazowego Orlich Gniazd”) is being carried out, visited Ponidzie to see the progress of carrying out our LIFE13 NAT/PL/000038 project “The protection of habitats of great natural interest at the Ponidzie region” (“Ochrona cennych siedlisk przyrodniczych na Ponidziu”).
Wojciech Sołtysiak, the project manager, and Mateusz Łukasik, a monitoring specialist, who are both employees of the Landscape Park Complex of the Świętokrzyskie and Nadnidziańskie Region (ZŚiNPK) took part in the meeting, whereas ZPKWŚ was represented by three people: Artur Wojtasik, the manager; Piotr Niedbał, an assistant manager; and Milena Ziętek, who is in charge of wildlife sanctuaries.
It was a good opportunity to discuss the realization of the LIFE projects. The team from Małopolska is already finishing their project and at the Ponidzie region we are now putting sheep out to the grasslands designed for pasturage. Therefore, we could make use of their knowledge and experience regarding the supervision of pasturing and the methods of ensuring the stability of the project on completion.
Our guests, as naturalists, were particularly interested in the species of plants that do not grow in the area of Jura Krakowsko – Częstochowska.